As the unemployment rates in the United States fluctuate, and we see more homeless veterans on every street corner, politicians debate what should be done to protect the lives of those who served in the US Military. Many veterans return from duty and are overwhelmed by finding a new job and reintegrating into civilian life. While there are programs in place to protect their rights and provide aid, they aren’t doing enough yet.

There are ways in which the government could reform in favor of veteran’s needs. Former US Marine Field Artillery and Infantry officer Peter A. Gudmundsson explores a few ways in which the government could enact policies and take action to help veterans when they return:

Show Businesses the Value of Military Personnel

Often, private corporations are not aware of the intensive screening that military personnel go through, and thus cannot see the impressive training these individuals go through in order to be part of any military organization.

Ensure Transferable Skill Sets

Gudmundsson explains how there is a disconnect between skill sets in the military, and skill sets in civilian jobs – for example a combat medic won’t have the skills necessary to become a paramedic back in the states in some cases. It would be much easier to reintegrate after serving if veterans skills were matched better to civilian skills.

Address Hostilities Between For Profit and Nonprofit Organizations

There is often a disconnect between the military, government, and for profit organizations. In order to maximize on resources and create new programs for military personnel to get hired into the workforce, etc., the hostilities and misconceptions need to end in these sectors.

Employ More Useful Programs for High Need Veterans

It is too often the case that veterans who come back with physical and mental impairments are ignored, improperly treated, and not given the right tools to succeed. These individuals who sacrificed their lives as they knew them before deserve programs that are solid and give them resources like support groups, and provide access to medical treatments.

There are also programs out there such as Veterans Campaign, that believe veterans are an “untapped source of civic and political leaders”, and provide training seminars, educational programs, and extensive research to give veterans the tools they need to run for political and civic office. When veterans can be supported and elected into office, they would have a stronger voice and a chance to speak on behalf of those who have been pushed aside.