Coming home from battle is one of the toughest things that our veterans have to go through. The trauma that some of our veterans experience from being in battle can, at times, be unbearable. The veterans association and many other groups like them are continually researching ways to best give back to our veterans and help them get back on their feet. Healing from PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is no easy task, but organizations like REBOOT Recovery are paving the way for others to get involved in the healing process with our vets. 

REBOOT Recovery

REBOOT Recovery is a 12-week recovery and healing process for both veterans and first responders suffering from PTSD. The organization is spearheaded by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and other Christian-based organizations in areas around the country. REBOOT Recovery courses can be found all across the country with more courses opening up every year. Some of the newest locations that REBOOT Recovery has been opened up in include Lynnfield, Massachusetts, Crossville, Tennessee, Stanchfield, Minnesota, and Oceanside, California. REBOOT Recovery continues to grow every year and has programs designed for both military and first-responders

The Process

The headquarter os REBOOT Recovery is in Fort Campbell, Kentucky and was originally founded back in 2011. The process of REBOOT Recovery is a mix of clinical practices and Christian-based support systems. The entire family is encouraged to participate in the REBOOT Recovery process. Over the twelve-week period, veterans and their families will meet once a week for about two hours each week and have peer-led courses take place. REBOOT Recovery comes with no cost to the participants, and according to the REBOOT Recovery website, 81% of participants who sign up for the course see it out to completion.

What Can You Do? 

REBOOT Recovery encourages people who are not directly affected by the REBOOT Recovery course to become a REBOOT ally and promote the course as well as get active in your community. There are many ways you can bring awareness to PTSD in our veterans and first responders in your own community. 

Dr. Jenny Owens and her husband Evan started REBOOT Recovery back in 2011 with a very small group of people. Now, REBOOT Recovery has touched the lives of thousands of people across the nation and continues to do so today.