A positive role model in one’s life is very important for kids regardless of background. Here are a few of the reasons why mentors are so important:

Having a mentor can provide children with much-needed consistency

One of the most important benefits of having a mentor is having someone who always shows up, even during difficult times. Having this type of consistency can help build a trusting relationship. 


Being able to walk your path is very important for young people. They can feel accepted no matter what

The goal of mentoring is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children and teens. While simultaneously providing them with the necessary tools and guidance to make their own decisions. Having a mentor is about supporting and encouraging them along their journey.


Positive mentors should also share their vulnerability and imperfections to build a trusting relationship with their mentees

Being honest with my mentees allows them to know that I’m learning from them and that I’m still evolving. Although I’m older, I still have many questions and I’m not always right. Being fully human with them allows them to understand that success is a lifelong process and that failure is part of the journey.


Through their interactions, mentors are able to provide teens with the necessary tools and guidance to make their own decisions

While accepting a mentee’s identity, a mentor should encourage them to explore new ideas and experiences that will challenge their current understanding of the world. This can be done by developing various activities such as searching for answers to complex problems and making choices. Having a supportive environment and encouraging them to reach their goals can help them grow.


The relationship between a mentor and a mentee can vary depending on the age of the mentee and their individual interests.

Youth mentoring programs recognize that every young person is different. A mentor should take time to get to know a mentee and understand who they are. They should also acknowledge their potential and what they’re going through.


A good youth mentor should not assume their experiences are enough to guide a young person.

While it’s tempting to give advice based on what worked for me, I also realize that a young person’s choices may be different from mine. As a mentor, I will talk about the consequences of their decisions with them, but I will not try to convince them that their choices are the same as mine. Having a mentor should be about providing guidance and freedom.

The trust, consistency, and communication between a mentor and mentee are some of the most important factors a strong relationship should have. Having a supportive atmosphere can help encourage teens to make mistakes and reach their goals.